February 6, 2010

How we co-exist? Attitude is the fundamental factor.

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What engages and inspires young people?How can we engage young people?
I dedicate much of my time to think about/take action,because this is one of my important question for my life.
By the way,it is usual that tips for our questions come out without notice.

Last week, I was having chat with a Canadian lady who seems like 50s or 60s in my volunteer site.
Then, she asked a question that says "what part of Canada do you like the most?" to me.
The question didn't mean any specific place but certain characteristic aspect of Canada.

My answer was, "Diversity of people".
Because,I feel Canada is like small print of the globe...especially when it comes to Toronto.
There are people from all over the world, and they have been living together so far.
The situation is totally different from the one in Japan, what I mean is there is almost sole ethnicity in Japan, even though it is gradually changing.
But in Toronto, we can get in touch with so many nationality in city and we can easily see that younger people and older people, and people with different culture work in same place.
I can hardly find this kind of situation in Japan.

Then, her answer was "Women can have freedom for life.".
Her answer was quite interesting because Japan is still hard place for women to be free,in terms of work and life, whatever.
I asked her that "What enables women to be free in Canada?" because I'm conscious about current situation surrounds women in Japan,as well as I have interested in youth issues.

Her answer was really easy.
She just said that "People's attitude." to me, right after I asked the question.

I was kind of fascinated because I have thought that we tend to focus on policy of government/companies when we talk about women's rights.
Yes, she is right and I think this perspective can be applied to the way how we deal with diversity.

As long as we have the attitude to recognize and respect diverse of age, nationality, gender, we can exist together and light each one's strong points.

Thank you very much for reading.
If you are interested in interviewed by this weblog,or suggesting someone else, please contact to motoi.ysej[at]gmail.com, with putting "ATTN:cms project" into the title.

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