January 30, 2010

Change makers stories project has been launched out!

My name is Motoi Kawabata, 23 years old Japanese who came here Toronto as a part of a training programme by my potential employer.
I'm very interested in the field of social enterprise, so that I decided to launch a personal project.

"Change makers stories project"
is an interview project to interview and write about social entrepreneurs/socially motivated people in Canada in this blog.
(I define the term social entrepreneurs as people who live their life by working in social enterprises and not-for-profit organizations, and the term socially motivated people as people who are socially conscious and motivated i.e. individuals who dedicate their time for volunteering,purchase sustainable way,etc.)

"What it is about?"
Change makers stories project consists of 3 Ss.

1.Spread their words
2.Share their positive energy
3.Speak out

I'd like to support social entrepreneurs and socially motivated people to spread their words, by blogging them, and I believe that sharing their positive energy for people from all over the world can be a cause of positive social change.

The other reason I started to do this is, language, as a way to express our idea and opinion, can be tricky for social entrepreneurs because everybody has different definition on their language.
But, I think that we can overcome it by speaking our ideas and opinions out to make them concrete, through actual conversation.

Thus, "Change makers stories project" will possibly be able to support social entrepreneurs/socially motivated people to make their idea concrete and spread them, and share their positive energy to those who need it in all over the world.

The other point is, I will be able to learn about social entrepreneurship as well, by having CONVERSATION with you guys.
(I'm leaving Canada in the middle of March 2010, so that I really would like to do this as much as possible before I leave lovely Canada.)

"How does it work?"
Basically, the interviews consists of 30 minutes at least, which will address the stories of change makers.
I'll be able to drop in your office to have interview even over lunch or coffee-so all you will do is, just to spare your 30minute in/after/before your work and have a conversation.
Once we arrange the date of interview, I will research about interviewees online and by any other kinds of sources so that we will be able to have efficient conversation.

"I'm interested in being interviewed!"
If you are interested in interviewed by this weblog,or suggesting someone else, please contact to Motoi Kawabata, motoi.ysej[at]gmail.com, with putting "ATTN:cms project" into the title.
Then, I will hit you back as soon as possible!

Thank you very much for reading!
I hope I will be able to meet cool SEs and socially motivated people and to have significant conversation.